Fab4 Settings
From SqueezeboxWiki
Revision as of 08:46, 23 June 2010 by Soulkeeper (Talk | contribs)
Settings Menu Structure for 7.4
(NOTE: last.fm audioscrobbler option has been removed - this should instead appear in the last.fm app menu).
- “Shuffle” (toggles between “Off,” “By Song,” “By Album”)
- “Repeat” (toggles between “Off,” “Song,” “Current Playlist”)
- “Alarm Clock”
- (use current design, redesign for Baby Boom TBD)
- “Audio Settings”
- “Bass” (on applicable devices)
- (slider)
- “Treble” (on applicable devices)
- (slider)
- “Crossfade” (on applicable devices)
- “None” (radio button)
- “Crossfade” (radio button)
- “Fade In Only” (radio button)
- “Fade Out Only” (radio button)
- “Fade In and Out” (radio button)
- “Line In”
- “Line In Always On” (radio button)
- “Line In Auto” (radio button)
- “Line In Level”
- (slider)
- “Line Out”
- “Always On”
- “Always Off”
- “Headphones”
- “Subwoofer”
- “StereoXL” (on applicable devices)
- [some supporting text explaining feature?]
- “Off” (radio button)
- “Low” (radio button)
- “Medium” (radio button)
- “High” (radio button)
- “System Sound Effects” (on applicable devices)
- (radio buttons, same as today - “none, charging, navigation” etc)
- “Volume” (slider)
- “Bass” (on applicable devices)
- “Brightness” (if device is being used as a controller, add submenu “Controller Brightness” / “[Player Name] Brightness”)
- “Automatic Brightness” (radio button - only on devices that have auto-brightness)
- “Manual Brightness” (radio button - if no auto-brightness setting available, remove “Manual” text)
- “Manual Brightness Setting” (if no auto-brightness setting available, remove “Manual” text)
- (Brightness slider)
- “Screen Dimming” (controller sub-menu only)
- “10 Seconds” (radio button)
- “20 Seconds” (radio button)
- “30 Seconds” (radio button)
- “1 Minute” (radio button)
- “Never” (radio button)
- “Dim When Charging” (only for devices that charge; checkbox)
- “Choose Player”
- [show in home menu for controllers with 2 or more players]
- “Customize Home Menu”
- (list of items with checkboxes)
- “Screen Settings”
- “Date/Time Formats”
- “Screensavers”
- “Touch Shortcuts” (fab4 only)
- “Text Size” (replaces “select skin” - fab4 only)
- “Wallpapers”
- “Auto” (radio button)
- “Standard” (radio button)
- “Large (10’ view)” (radio button)
- “Sleep”
- “Sleeping in [x] minutes” (if active)
- “Cancel Sleep” (if active)
- “Sleep at end of song” (make radio button)
- “15 Minutes” (make radio button)
- “30 Minutes” (make radio button)
- “45 Minutes” (make radio button)
- “60 Minutes” (make radio button)
- “90 Minutes” (make radio button)
- “Squeezebox Name”
- (text entry field)
- “Synchronize”
- "Advanced Settings"
- "About"
- (“Credits” from current “About” screen, plus legal stuff)
- “Applet Installer” (hopefully this goes away fairly soon/becomes part of app guide)
- “Beta Features”
- “Audio Playback (Beta)”
- “Playlist Mode (Beta)” (toggles between “Disabled,” “Off,” “On,” “Party”)
- “UI Experiments (Beta)”
- “Enable VU meter on all screens” (w/checkbox)
- “2+finger: tap to NP, T-B pause, L-R fwd, R-L back”
- “Diagnostics”
- (same as today, except add “uptime” from the current “About” screen), plus...
- “Server info”
- “Version:”
- “Hostname:”
- “IP Address:”
- “HTTP Port:”
- “OS:”
- “Platform:”
- “Perl Version:”
- “Total Players Recognized:”
- “Folders”
- “Cache Folder:” [path]
- “Preferences Folder:” [path]
- “Plugin Folders:” [path]
- “Library Statistics”
- “Log Files”
- “Server Log File:” [path]
- “Scanner Log File:” [path]
- “Plugin Modules”
- “File Sharing”
- “Language”
- (list of languages with radio buttons, same as today)
- “Networking”
- “Choose Network”
- “Wireless Network”
- “Ethernet Network”
- “Network Test”
- “Wireless Bridging”
- “Choose Network”
- “Squeezebox Information”
- [current squeezebox]
- [other squeezeboxes, in alphabetical order]
- “Albums Sort Method” - (for the currently connected server)
- “Remote Login”
- “Update Software”
- “Factory Reset”
- [needs supporting text - this will do [x]. Are you sure?]
New Settings [Deprecated]
This section is outdated and needs to be revised. Please refer to the "settings Menu structure" section for 7.4 settings changes.
Fab4 will need a set of new user settings beyond what the Squeezebox Controller has to support the capabilities of the new hardware and the use as a standalone player at parity or better than Squeezebox Classic. Embedding SqueezeCenter also adds a significant number of new settings. The items listed below are additions to the UI as described in https://wiki.lyrion.org/index.php/UserInterfaceHierarchy
These include:
- Networking
- Wireless/Ethernet
- DHCP/Static
- IP Address
- Netmask
- DNS servers
- Gateway
- Wireless Settings
- Encryption
- Key
- Ad Hoc/Infrastructure
- Bridging on/off
- Settings lock code
- Audio
- Digital Fixed Volume
- Digital enable when powered off
- Player Name
- Display
- Ambient sensor
- Proximity Detector
- Enable/disable
- Sensitivity
- IR Blaster
- Enable/Disable
- Configuration via IRBlaster plugin
- TinySC