Command index
From SqueezeboxWiki
This page needs editing. It may contain errors and/or outdated information.
See "Discussion"
Original forum thread
This is an index of commands for the web and player User Interfaces - intended to answer the question "where do I find the command to...?"
The baseline server version for this table is 6.5.0 - any variants in earlier versions will not be shown here.
"Version" is server software version - blank means all versions.
Third party plugins are not shown here - see the plugins page - but a few core functions that are implemented as plugins are shown. You may need to enable them in server settings-plugins to see them.
The Web UI Location information is correct for the Default skin and other skins using the same basic layout. Note that some skins move things around, that is not covered here (too hard!).
Note also that some player-specific options will only appear if the player has the relevant feature.
Item | Description | Version | Web UI Location | Web UI Sublocation | Player UI (SB2/SB3/TR) |
Advanced Search | Search music library | Home | Search | - | |
Alarm Clock | Set daily or weekly alarms | Player Settings | Alarm | Settings - Alarm Clock | |
Album Gain | Enable track or album volume replay gain | Player Settings | Audio | Settings - Volume Adjustment | |
Allowed IP | Specify addresses allowed to connect to SS | Server Settings | Security | - | |
Articles, Ignore | List of articles ("the" etc) to ignore in sort | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Artist with Album | Show artist when browsing by albums? | Server Settings | Formatting | - | |
Artwork (name) | Define additional filenames for artwork | Server Settings | Interface | - | |
Artwork Folder | Optional single folder for artwork files | Server Settings | Interface | - | |
Artwork Thumbnail | Additional filenames for artwork thumbnails | Server Settings | Interface | - | |
Audio Extensions | Disable SS from scanning certain file extensions | Server Settings | File Types | - | |
Audio File Formats | Define how audio file formats are converted | Server Settings | File Types | - | |
Audio Source | Select from audio input sources | - | - | Settings - Audio Source (TR only) | |
Audio Startup Time | Delay time from "play" to sending audio | Player Settings | Audio | - | |
Audio, Turn Off | Disable digital outputs when turned off | Player Settings | Audio | - | |
Band/Orchestra | Include composer/conductor/band in artists? | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Bitrate Limiting | Set maximum bitrate for streaming | Player Settings | Audio | - | |
Bitrate, WMA Stream | Max bit rate for multi-bitrate WMA streams | Server Settings | Network | - | |
Block connections | Block incoming web requests by IP address? | Server Settings | Security | - | |
Brightness | Set display brightness when on/off/idle | Player Settings | Display | Brightness(button) | |
Browse | Browse music library | Home | Browse | Browse | |
Browser refresh | Set time between browser reloads | Server Settings | Interface | - | |
Buffer, Radio | Seconds of radio audio data buffering | Server Settings | Network | - | |
Build Items Per Pass | How many items to build in a single pass? | Server Settings | Performance | - | |
CLI Port | Specify CLI Port number | Server Settings | Plugins | - | |
Client Playlists | Remember last playlist when server starts? | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Clock, Alarm | Set daily or weekly alarms | Player Settings | Alarm | Settings - Alarm Clock | |
Compilations | Change treatment of compilation albums | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Composer | Include composer/conductor/band in artists? | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Conductor | Include composer/conductor/band in artists? | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Crossfade | Set track crossfade in/out | Player Settings | Audio | Settings - Crossfade | |
CSRF Protection | Specify level of scrutiny to http requests | Server Settings | Security | - | |
Custom IR map | Select a remote button function set (IR map) (only available if a .map file present) | Player Settings | Remote | - | |
Date Format | Select how long and short dates are shown | Server Settings | Formatting | - | |
Debug flags | Set debug items for logging | Server Settings | Debugging | - | |
Digital Volume Control | Digital output volume adjustable or fixed? | Player Settings | Audio | - | |
Disable Outputs | Disable digital outputs when turned off | Player Settings | Audio | - | |
Display Brightness | Set display brightness when on/off/idle | Player Settings | Display | Brightness (button) | |
Display Menu, Player | Customize top level player display menu | Player Settings | Menus | - | |
Display Size | Set Font size for normal and standby modes | Player Settings | Display | Settings - Text size OR Size (button) | |
DUMMY | Dummy entry to show version change | 6.5.x | Server Settings | Basic | - |
DUMMY | Dummy entry to show version change | 7.0 on | Server Settings | Formatting | - |
Duration, Crossfade | Set time to crossfade between songs | Player Settings | Audio | - | |
Extensions, Disable | Disable SS from scanning certain file extensions | Server Settings | File Types | - | |
File Extensions | Disable SS from scanning certain file extensions | Server Settings | File Types | - | |
Filter Genres | Only show songs/albums matching genre? | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Firmware Version | Displays Firmware Version | Player Settings | Basic | Settings - Information - Player | |
Folder, Artwork | Optional single folder for artwork files | Server Settings | Interface | - | |
Folder, Music | Specify folder containing music library | Server Settings | Basic | - | |
Folder, Playlists | Specify folder containing playlists | Server Settings | Basic | - | |
Font Size, Display | Set Font size for normal and standby modes | Player Settings | Display | Settings - Text size OR Size (button) | |
Forget Player | Tell SS to remove this player from list | Player Settings | Basic | - | |
Format Conversion | Define how audio file formats are converted | Server Settings | File Types | - | |
Format, Date | Select how long and short dates are shown | Server Settings | Formatting | - | |
Format, Guess Tags | Define patterns for SS to guess at tags from name | Server Settings | Formatting | - | |
Format, Time | Select how times are shown | Server Settings | Formatting | - | |
Format, Title | Define song title formats and select web format | Server Settings | Formatting | - | |
Format, Title | Select player song title format from a list | Player Settings | Basic | Settings - Song Title Format | |
Genres, Filter | Only show songs/albums matching genre? | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Group Discs | Treat Multiple disc sets as single album? | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Guess Tags Format | Define patterns for SS to guess at tags from name | Server Settings | Formatting | - | |
Help | Access various help topics | Home | Help | - | |
Hostname, show | Show server hostname | - | - | Settings - Information - Server | |
HTTP Port, Server define | Define port number for web access to SS | Server Settings | Network | - | |
HTTP Port, show | Show server HTTP port number | - | - | Settings - Information - Server | |
Ignore Articles | List of articles ("the" etc) to ignore in sort | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Information, Player | Displays IP and MAC address for player | Player Settings | Basic | Settings - Information - Player | |
Internet Radio | Select principal internet radio options | Home | Internet Radio | Internet Radio | |
Internet Radio, Config | Configure Internet Radio (may need to load plugins) | Server Settings | Internet Radio | - | |
IP address, player | Display player IP address | Player Settings | Basic | Settings - Information - Player | |
IP address, server | Server (Host) IP address | Server Settings | Basic | Settings - Information - Server Information | |
IP Allowed | Specify addresses allowed to connect to SS | Server Settings | Security | - | |
IR map, Custom | Select a remote button function set (IR map) (only available if a .map file present) | Player Settings | Remote | - | |
Items per page | Number of items on each page of the web UI | Server Settings | Interface | - | |
Language | Choose language for SS | Server Settings | Basic | - | |
Library Statistics | Enable library statistics on web page? | Server Settings | Performance | - | |
Library Statistics, show | Show Library statistics | - | - | Settings - Information - Library | |
Limiting, Bitrate | Set maximum bitrate for streaming | Player Settings | Audio | - | |
Log entries | Link to debug log entries | Server Settings | Debugging | - | |
MAC address | Display player MAC address | Player Settings | Basic | Settings - Information - Player | |
Menu, Player Display | Customize top level player display menu | Player Settings | Menus | - | |
Mode, Scroll | Select scroll mode for player display | Player Settings | Display | - | |
Multi-Disc Sets | Treat Multiple disc sets as single album? | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Multiple Tag Items | Define separators for multiple values in tags | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Music Folder | Specify folder containing music library | Server Settings | Basic | - | |
Name, Player | Name to identify player on web UI | Player Settings | Basic | - | |
New Music Limit | Number of tracks to show for "new music" | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Now Playing | Choose info to display on player while playing | Player Settings | Basic | Now Playing (remote button) | |
Orchestra (Band) | Include composer/conductor/band in artists? | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Password | Password protect SS wb interface | Server Settings | Security | - | |
Pause, Scroll | Seconds to wait before scrolling display | Player Settings | Display | - | |
Pixels, Scroll | Pixels to move for each scroll update | Player Settings | Display | - | |
Player Information | Displays IP and MAC address for player | Player Settings | Basic | Settings - Information - Player | |
Player Name | Name to identify player on web UI | Player Settings | Basic | - | |
Playlist Extensions | Disable SS from scanning certain file extensions | Server Settings | File Types | - | |
Playlists Folder | Specify folder containing playlists | Server Settings | Basic | - | |
Playlists, Client | Remember last playlist when server starts? | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Plugins, list | Showlist of available plugins | Server Settings | Plugins | Settings - Information - Plugins | |
Port, Web Server | Define port number for web access to SS | Server Settings | Network | - | |
Power On Resume | Select Action when player is powered on/off | Player Settings | Audio | - | |
Power, Synchronize | Synced players have synced power? | Player Settings | Audio | - | |
Preamp Volume Control | Set additional attenuation on analog outputs | Player Settings | Audio | - | |
Prefs Write Interval | How often preferences are written to disk | Server Settings | Performance | - | |
Priority, Scanner | Specify the priority that the Scanner runs at | Server Settings | Performance | - | |
Priority, Server | Specify the priority that SS runs at | Server Settings | Performance | - | |
Proxy, Web | Define IP address:port for HTTP/web proxy | Server Settings | Network | - | |
Radio Buffer | Seconds of radio audio data buffering | Server Settings | Network | - | |
Radio Timeout | Timeout seconds for radio stations | Server Settings | Network | - | |
Rate, Scroll | Seconds between scroll updates | Player Settings | Display | - | |
Refresh, Browser | Set time between browser reloads | Server Settings | Interface | - | |
Remote Button Funcs | Select a remote button function set (IR map) (only available if a .map file present) | Player Settings | Remote | - | |
Remote Control | Enable various infrared control code sets | Player Settings | Remote | - | |
Remote Control, info | Reference info on Remote Control | Home | Help | - | |
Repeat mode, set | Set repeat off/song/playlist | Player Panel | - | Settings - Shuffle OR shuffle (button) | |
Repeat, Reshuffle | Shuffle playlist after each play through? | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Replay Gain | Enable track or album volume replay gain | Player Settings | Audio | Settings - Volume Adjustment | |
Rescan Library | Force SS to rescan library | Server Settings | Basic | - | |
Rescan Schedule | Schedule daily library rescan | Server Settings | Plugins | - | |
Resume, Power On | Select Action when player is powered on/off | Player Settings | Audio | - | |
RSS News ticker | Configure RSS feeds | Server Settings | Plugins | - | |
Save Shuffled Playlist | Save playlists in order added or shuffled? | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Scanner Priority | Specify the priority that the Scanner runs at | Server Settings | Performance | - | |
Schedule Rescan | Schedule daily library rescan | Server Settings | Plugins | - | |
Screensavers | Choose screensaver for various modes | Player Settings | Basic | Settings - Screensavers | |
Scroll | Set display scroll mode, pause and rate | Player Settings | Display | - | |
Search | Search music library | Home | Search | Search | |
Search in Words | Only search from beginning of words? | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Server Priority | Specify the priority that SS runs at | Server Settings | Performance | - | |
Shuffle mode, set | Set shuffle off/by song/by album | Player Panel | - | Settings - Shuffle OR shuffle (button) | |
Shuffle on Repeat | Shuffle playlist after each play through? | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Skin | Choose a look or skin for the web UI | Server Settings | Interface | - | |
Softsqueeze, info | Information and download for Softsqueeze | Home | Help | - | |
Song Title Format | Select player song title format from a list | Player Settings | Basic | Settings - Song Title Format | |
Source, Audio | Select from audio input sources | - | - | Settings - Audio Source (TR only) | |
Startup Time, Audio | Delay time from "play" to sending audio | Player Settings | Audio | - | |
Statistics, Library | Enable library statistics on web page? | Server Settings | Performance | - | |
Statistics, Library show | Show Library statistics | - | - | Settings - Information - Library | |
Synchronize Players | Sync one or more players | Player Settings | Audio | Settings - Synchronize | |
Synchronize Power | Synced players have synced power? | Player Settings | Audio | - | |
Synchronize Volume | Synced players have synced volume? | Player Settings | Audio | - | |
Tags, Guess Format | Define patterns for SS to guess at tags from name | Server Settings | Formatting | - | |
Tags, Multiple Items | Define separators for multiple values in tags | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
TCP Parameters | Adjust TCP Parameters | Server Settings | Network | - | |
Text Size, Display | Set Font size for normal and standby modes | Player Settings | Display | Settings - Text size OR Size (button) | |
Text Timing | Set time in seconds to move on to next letter | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Thumbnail Size | Set pixel size for thumbnail images | Server Settings | Interface | - | |
Thumbnail, Artwork | Additional filenames for artwork thumbnails | Server Settings | Interface | - | |
Time Format | Select how times are shown | Server Settings | Formatting | - | |
Timeout, Radio | Timeout seconds for radio stations | Server Settings | Network | - | |
Timing, Text | Set time in seconds to move on to next letter | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Title Format | Define song title formats and select web format | Server Settings | Formatting | - | |
Title Format | Select player song title format from a list | Player Settings | Basic | Settings - Song Title Format | |
Track Gain | Enable track or album volume replay gain | Player Settings | Audio | Settings - Volume Adjustment | |
UDP port, show | Show server UDP port number | - | - | Settings - Information - Server | |
Updates, Software | Check for software updates? | Server Settings | Behavior | - | |
Username | Password protect SS wb interface | Server Settings | Security | - | |
Version, Firmware | Displays Firmware Version | Player Settings | Basic | Settings - Information - Player | |
Version, Server |
Version info for SS, Perl, MySQL |
Server Settings | Basic | Settings - Information - Server Information | |
Volume Adjustment | Enable track or album volume replay gain | Player Settings | Audio | Settings - Volume Adjustment | |
Volume Control, Digital | Digital output volume adjustable or fixed? | Player Settings | Audio | - | |
Volume Control, Preamp | Set additional attenuation on analog outputs | Player Settings | Audio | - | |
Volume, Synchronize | Synced players have synced volume? | Player Settings | Audio | - | |
Web Interface | Choose a look or skin for the web UI | Server Settings | Interface | - | |
Web Proxy | Define IP address:port for HTTP/web proxy | Server Settings | Network | - | |
Web Server Port | Define port number for web access to SS | Server Settings | Network | - | |
WMA Stream Bitrate | Max bit rate for multi-bitrate WMA streams | Server Settings | Network | - | |
Year with Album | Show year when browsing by albums or artwork? | Server Settings | Formatting | - |
Updating this page
If you just want to make a minor correction, just edit the page in the normal way. Please though look out for instances where the same item is repeated under different index terms (eg "Song", "Title", "Format") and try to keep them consistent (hint: use your browser "find" function!).
However, if you want to do something major like change columns, do a global replace, or audit against a working system, its probably worth reversing the process by which the page was built in the first place...
- edit the page, and copy the table text
- paste the table text into Word
- convert text to table using | as the delimiter character
- copy the resulting table into Excel
- you can now sort / shuffle / change the Excel table as much as you want...
- before reversing the whole process!