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Home of the Squeezebox™ & Transporter® network music players.

Debian Package

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A Debian Logitechmediaserver (formerly known as SlimServer) package distributed by Slim Devices now exists. This package also should work with most Debian-based Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Raspbian,Mepis or Knoppix. See below for installation instructions for Logitechmediaserver.


Debian Version Info

Please visit the Logitechmediaserver Download page to learn about the latest stable version of Logitechmediaserver.

From there you can find direct downloads of the latest nightly builds of the various versions.

Even if the Header form the link above says Beta not all Versions are beta builds. [7.8] is the community release. [7.9] is the latest Version supplied by the community. [10.0] is only for UE Radios.

The pre-release versions of the .deb files are also available.

Supported Perl Versions

You need to install the LMS Package fpr your OS and Perl Version. If you unsure about your installed Perl Version

perl -v|grep v5

gives you an idea "This is perl 5, version 26, subversion 1 (v5.26.1)" means you only can install LMS 7.9.1/7.9.2





7.9.1 / 7.9.2


Instructions for Debian /Ubuntu /Raspbian

To install the latest stable release please do the following tasks:

  • Make a new Folder e.g /sources
  • Download the Version via wget into this Folder - please notice the filename changes!
  • Install the downloaded package.
  • You can use the lines above in a script.

installing 7.8

in 7.8.0 There are some bugs that only sorted in 7.8.1
Please dont install 7.8.0 anymore

installing 7.8.1

sudo apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl
os=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
if [ "$os" = "armhf" ]; then os=arm; fi
latest_lms=$(wget -q -O - "$url")
mkdir -p /sources
cd /sources
wget $latest_lms
sudo dpkg -i $lms_deb
sudo apt-get -f install

installing 7.9.1

sudo apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl
os=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
if [ "$os" = "armhf" ]; then os=arm; fi
latest_lms=$(wget -q -O - "$url")
mkdir -p /sources
cd /sources
wget $latest_lms
sudo dpkg -i $lms_deb
sudo apt-get -f install

installing 7.9.2

sudo apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl
os=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
if [ "$os" = "armhf" ]; then os=arm; fi
latest_lms=$(wget -q -O - "$url")
mkdir -p /sources
cd /sources
wget $latest_lms
sudo dpkg -i $lms_deb
sudo apt-get -f install

To run Logitechmediaserver in Debian / Ubuntu:

Logitechmediaserver is started automatically by the installation script and every time you boot.

If you want to start/stop Logitechmediaserver manually you can run:

 sudo service logitechmediaserver start


 sudo service logitechmediaserver stop

Updating your Logitechmediaserver

The deb repository is gone see [1]

Settings for the WebGUI (recommended)

Open Settings on your Logitechmediaserver Webgui (its in the lower right bottom) Klick on the Tab Advanced on the Top and select Software Updates on the drop down menue in the left. Select Automatic download notice the user that runs the logitechmediaserver service has no permissions to start and stop - thats a security feature not a bug - you have to do that yourself!

During the installation process:

If you don't have them already installed on your system, you may be asked about various Logitechmediaserver dependencies. These are other software packages Logitechmediaserver requires to run. Some of the dependencies may even have dependencies!

Having Logitechmediaserver be dependent on other packages helps make it more compatible with more systems, and reduces both the download size and number of problems.

However, dependencies can be confusing. If you have questions about the configuration of any of the packages Logitechmediaserver depends on, there is much information available on the Internet for the specific packages. Additionally, members of our linux forum https://forums.lyrion.org/forumdisplay.php?f=3 may be able to help.

upgrading from 6.* to 7.*

apt-get remove --purge slimserver
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

You may need to Update your Distribution since 6.x is very old and can not run on actual Versions of Debian. Follow the steps described in installing 7.8.1

After the installation process:

Users and Groups

The installation adds a new user (squeezeboxserver) to your system - that runs all the tools/scripts from logitechmediaserver.

If you want to use the localplayer plugin you have to add the User squeezeboxserver to the group audio - otherwise the squeezelite session behind the localplayer couldnt play your files.

 sudo usermod -aG audio squeezeboxserver

using local Mediafolders

If your media files are hosted on the same System you runing Logitechmediaserver - you should use a group to give folder & file permissions to the path of your mediafiles. eg - (using a group called lms and your.username is your.username)

  sudo addgroup lms
  sudo usermod -aG lms squeezeboxserver
  sudo usermod -aG audio your.username

Then you need to set the folder permissions

 sudo chown -R your.username:lms /<path/to/your/mediafiles>

using mediafolders from another source (eg a NAS)

If your mediafiles stored in another system like your NAS you have to do the same steps on your NAS - or mount the NAS under your username.

add a mountpoint

Add a Folder to act as mountpoint (eg NAS)

 sudo mkdir /media/NAS
 sudo chown your.username:lms /media/NAS

Add the mountpoint to the file system table using a editor like vi

 vi /etc/fstab

add some line like ( is the IP from your NAS and music is the shared folder)

 // /media/NAS cifs user=your.username,passwd=your.password, 0 0

save the changes and test with mount /media/NAS


Make sure your Playlistfolder is not in the homeroot of your library

Otherwise LMS would add the files in the playlist twice

Set the right Filepermissions eg my playlistfolder is /media/music/\[playlist\]/

sudo chown your.username:lms -R /media/music/\[playlist\]/
sudo chmod -R 774 /media/music/\[playlist\]/

Verify the settings:

ls -l /media/music/|grep playlist
drwxrwxr--   2 jan lms      4096 Jan  8 22:01 [playlist]

The User squeezeboxserver is member of lms (be sure you followed my tips above) and needs rwx to the Playlistfolder.

To use the Logitechmediaserver web interface:

Point your browser to [server ip address]:[port]. For example your server running Logitechmediaserver's IP address is so enter in your browser:

Uninstalling Logitechmediaserver from your system

 sudo apt-get remove --purge logitechmediaserver

http://downloads.slimdevices.com/nightly/index.php?ver=7.9Jan.Schmidt 23:46, 10 November 2015 (PST)