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Home of the Squeezebox™ & Transporter® network music players.

Logitech Media Server repositories

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SqueezeCenter 7.3 includes an Extension Downloader that provides a simple web interface for installing SqueezeCenter Plugins and Applets, Wallpaper images, and Sounds for SqueezePlay and the Squeezebox Controller.

Please note!
In Squeezebox Server 7.4 there is a setting called 'Show all 3rd party plugins' in the Plugins tab which will enable all plugins in the repositories listed below besides those in the beta testing repositories at the bottom of this page

If you like to nominate a third party plugin to be part of the "Recommended 3rd party plugins" section in Extension Downloader, post its name in the following thread: https://forums.lyrion.org/showthread.php?t=56928

Below is a list of "repository URLs" you can provide to the Extension Downloader to find & easily install add-ons:

There are also some repositories which contains beta versions of plugins available in the above repositories

Only use the repositories below if you accept to use plugin versions that hasn't been fully tested by the developer:

Developer information about repositories is available Here